Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Your Project and Your Printer

            Imagine for yourself this situation, you wanted a cake baked and when you showed up at your local bakery, you gave the baker all the ingredients for it. The flour, sugar, butter, eggs, etc., while you might think that this is helpful, the unfortunate truth is, it really isn’t. They might not be the right ingredients they need, or the correct measurements. The problem is, this might make a mess that they have to clean up, and you will have a longer wait for your cake.

            When you walk into your local print shop, it’s always good practice to have an idea of the layout you want for your job, such as a drawing (doesn’t need to be fancy), and well as any text or images you want as well. But laying out the whole thing yourself in a computer file thinking it would make the process easier and faster isn’t always the case. Just like the issue with the bakery, this may also make a mess they have to clean up. Low resolution photos, to many fonts, poor design, non-compatible programs, the list can go on and on.  Again, like the bakery, these issues could have you ending up with a longer wait time for your job to be completed.

            So next time you plan your order, be it for business cards, invoices, or brochures, is the time you spent laying it out really worth it? Discuss your project with Gateway Printing and we will work with you to design and produce your project to a successful completion.

(Originally posted on my other Blog "The Mental Rambler")