Monday, January 21, 2019

A Reintroduction for 2019

It's 2019, a new year and a good time for a reintroduction to the Printed Rambler, here I focus on graphic design, art, and all manner of similar topics. I work for small family printshop and much of the content I post here is related to printing. I'll do my best to post a more regular basis, though work often takes it's toll on my free time.

Those of you who have worked in the printing business understand the somewhat chaotic nature of it, especially for a small one, it's an unpredictable whirlwind. One minute, everything is going smoothly, and the next a machine is down and the phone is ringing off the hook with customers looking for their jobs and giving you new one; but enough of me lamenting about the plight of a printer, like every profession it has it's ups and downs.

Back in 2017 I help start a YouTube channel as the main video editor, we've taken a bit of a hiatus, but we're planning on restarting this year. As amateur editor, i'll be sharing some of my insight into the process, what I found works and what doesn't work, and some of forays into editing that are more me experimenting with it.

Once more, welcome to the Printed Rambler, feel free to comment and enjoy!


The Gateway Printing Co.
174 Main Street, Ma. 02563