Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Drawing Time

Technology is at the heart of the printing business. It allows the printer to do their job better, faster, and more efficient. We have gone from long and tedious type-setting by hand to computers allowing us to do layouts of business cards in less than an hour, but with all the advancements in technology, what is the best one to use?

Focusing on graphics software, we have a wide verity of programs to chose from. At the top of the list is “Adobe”; they are the standard that everyone goes by. Doing basic layouts takes very little prior knowledge. On the down side, they do tend to be the most expensive option. Even their new subscription service, the “Creative Cloud”, can run up you quite bit of money per month.

There are alternatives such as “Affinity”. Currently, they only have a “Photoshop” and “Illustrator” alternate. If you've used “Adobe”, the tools should be familiar making it easy to get started; and it will cost only around a hundred dollars for the whole set.

Where you want to be careful are the free programs and there are plenty of them. The three I have used for work are “Scribus”, “GIMP”, and “Inkscape” (alternates to “Adobe: InDesign”, “Photoshop”, and “Illustrator” respectively). All three are decent programs. They are useful and give you access to a graphics suite for cheap. However, while cheap, you may spend more of your time trying to learn how some of the basic tools work, rather than working on your project. There may be trouble just getting them to run in the first place, but in some respect, they are meant for the more technically minded.

The right technology can save you time and money. That is the balance we are always trying to find. What is easiest isn't always the cheapest and what is the cheapest doesn't always save money. There are many options out there, for all different levels. It all comes down to how much you are willing to spend, as well as your level of experience, and what you are most comfortable with. That's what matters in the end: what makes you money and saves you time.

The Gateway Printing Co.
174 Main Street, Wareham, MA

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